Tu YouYou's Discovery: Finding A Cure For Malaria
Nominated for the 2024 Garden State Children's Book Awards
Grace Lee Boggs: Gardens of Hope
Nǐ hǎo! Let’s spend a day in China! Fly kites in the square, buy sweet lychee at the market, and go paddle boating at the lake. Author Songju Ma Daemicke and illustrator Jam Dong draw on their personal experiences growing up in China to create this appealing board book as part of the Our World Series for very young readers.
A compelling introduction to a passionate and tenacious Chinese researcher.- Kirkus Reviews
A much-needed biography of a woman scientist and great addition to any library’s STEM collection- School Library Journal
November 16th 2022 at 6:30 PM
By Songju Ma Daemicke, Illustrated by Lin, Albert Whitman & Co., 10/1/2021
Tu Youyou had been interested in science and medicine since she was a child, so when malaria started infecting people all over the world in 1969, she went to work on finding a treatment. Trained as a medical researcher in college and healed by traditional medicine techniques when she was young, Tu Youyou experimented with natural Chinese remedies. The treatment she discovered, Artemisinin, saved millions of lives, earned her a Novel Prize, and is still used all over the world today.
By Songju Ma Daemicke, Illustrated by Lin, Albert Whitman & Co., 03/06/2025
When Grace Lee Boggs was eight years old, her teacher gave her a copy of The Secret Garden. As a Chinese-American who had experienced prejudice, Grace wanted to grow a garden of her own that would help people heal from the injustice in society. Grace dedicated her life to fighting for civil, environmental, labor, and women’s rights. In 1992, she and her husband founded Detroit Summer, a multicultural and intergenerational youth program that inspired kids to become leaders in their community. Together with these “solutionaries,” Grace finally created the garden she dreamed about, one that continues to inspire people to make the world a better place for everyone.
A Vote for Susanna, the First Woman Mayor by Karen Greenwald
Songju Ma Daemicke was featured in the China Daily
Songju grew up in the northeastern province of Jilin in a small town that had no library. How she got from there to becoming a published author in America and her second language is something of a remarkable story in itself.
As she put it: "My road to be an author was long, winding, and bumpy, crossing over two continents."
The slogan of the school she went to was: "If you master math, physics and chemistry, you can conquer the world." Her PhD thesis was a comprehensive study of earthquake tremors before she switched to computer science, picking up a master's at DePaul University and going to work as a software engineer for Motorola.
Songju Ma Daemicke was featured in
the Chicago Tribune, Surburban Section, Glenview Annoucements, Shout Out column
Songju Ma Daemicke was featured in the Glenview Lantern, a local newspaper
A Case of Sense, was just selected by the Kansas NEA Reading Circle for their 2017 catalog. School library-media specialists across the state use this catalog to buy great books for their school libraries.
A Case of Sense is on the "Holiday reading for the little ones and their middle-school siblings" recommended book list. See East Bay Times and San Jose Mercury News (California Newspapers)
Songju Ma Daemicke was featured in the China Daily
Songju Ma Daemicke was born in Jilin, one of China's northeastern provinces, and came to the United States in 1996 to advance her education, eventually earning a master's in computer science. She married and moved to the northern Chicago suburb of Glenview, working as a software engineer for Motorola until her twin daughters were born.
How does one weigh a huge elephant in ancient China without the use of a modern-day scale? This question confused all the most learned advisers, but not seven-year-old Chong Cao, who cleverly uses a science principle to solve the problem of determining the weight of an elephant.
The greedy and calculating Fu Wang cooks a feast in his yard and then demands that his neighbors pay for the delicious smells. How will the judge rule in this unusual case? Should the neighbors have to pay?